Dear Prospective Vendors,
Kenstan Fixture Services has been maintaining fixture locks all over the world for the last 5 years. Clients include: Wal-Mart, Tiffany’s & Co., Gucci, Tourneau, CVS and more. But we would not be able to do it without our dedicated network of vendors and we are happy to grow that network with you.
Before being able to receive work there are a few steps required.
- Complete and email back to us the attached vendor set up form, as well as ACH form which will allow us to directly deposit payments into an account of your choice.
- Along with these forms, a W9 and COI listing KFS as an additional insured will be submitted with it. Please use the following address for the COI: Kenstan Fixture Services USA, LLC 101 Commercial St. Plainview, NY 11803.
- Once we have received all the paper work we will set up a vendor portal account for you which can be used to monitor work orders we send you, upload invoices and set labor rates as well as coverages.
- KFS will provide locks, if any are required. Always reach out to us first if parts are needed for a job rather than install unapproved parts.
When working with KFS each retailer will have a specific set of SLA’s attached to it. Below is the most standardized version of it and client specific versions will always be on each WO we send:
- By Accepting this Work Order you are agreeing to all conditions listed below.
- The Client PO number MUST be on all correspondence with KFS.
- IVR Compliance is mandatory. Techs must check in and out with the App on any visit on site. Failure to do so will result in a 5% deduction from your invoice. If there are any issues with the IVR, you must email [email protected] immediately with an explanation to avoid the deduction.
- If parts have already been sent for specific work, on site managers are not permitted to request additional work while on site. A new Work Order must be submitted.
- Work is expected to be completed in a timely manner. Once parts are received, it is expected that they are installed within 2 business days. If this cannot be met, you must contact KFS through phone (855-342-3132) or by emailing [email protected] to schedule.
- Upon completion of the job, an invoice must be uploaded to the portal within 2 business days. After 21 days of job completion there will be a 5% deduction in your invoice. After 30 days, there will a 15% deduction. After 45 days there will be a 30% deduction. Any invoices received 60 days after will see a 60% deduction.
- Only one invoice may be submitted per work order and only at the time of completion of the job. Any additional invoices beyond the first will be reject and will not be paid. Any work orders sent before a work order is completed, will not be paid.
- The NTE of this work is legally binding,
- If you believe the NTE will be exceeded based on the initial dispatching call, request the increase immediately while on the phone or by replying to the email sent.
- When making a second trip to install locks, if you believe it will exceed the NTE stated on the Work Order, call or email [email protected] before you go out for approval.
- Any invoices submitted without approval will only be paid the maximum NTE.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
(855) 342- 3132
Thank you and we look forward to doing business with you,
KFS Team